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10 Reasons Why You Do Not Want to Use WhatsApp for Work
How to Upgrade Your Business App
Article By Gossip Depot
March 9, 2021, 7:58 pm
After users begin ditching WhatsApp for signal over privacy concerns, lack of functionality, and Facebook’s ownership of their data Facebook responded to the WhatsApp concerns, stating, “neither WhatsApp nor Facebook can see users' private messages or hear their calls.
Experts are constantly warning users of Facebook’s What’sApp. Additionally, more and more organisations are now banning their employees from using What’sApp, GroupMe and other messengers for work-related communications. This led me to wonder how does WhatsApp compare to Gossip Depot Group Messenger?
Here are 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Use WhatsApp for Internal Business Communications
No ownership of Communications
Dr. Ajunwa, Assistant Professor of Labor and Employment Law at Cornell University’s Industrial and Labor Relations School, stated: "Employers should ban employees from using messaging apps for business-related communications as Employers don’t have the purview to control personal communications opens the employer to unnecessary liability."
The solution: Gossip Depot gives employer’s governance over threads to protect sensitive company data. To include preventing the sending of SSN, or PHI anywhere on site without approval.
Theft of data:
WhatsApp accesses and stores the address books of employees, without your permission, and even if the contacts contains confidential corporate and customer data. Also WhatsApp steals your business contacts, including contacts who haven’t even downloaded WhatsApp as stated in their policy: The phone numbers of WhatsApp users, and your other contacts in your mobile address book on a regular basis, including for both the users of our Services and your other contacts.
WhatsApp themselves prohibit business use
businesses risk violating against WhatsApp's terms of serviceto use it for professional purposes, meaning all of your data, conversations, and discussions can be deleted and loss without notice: WhatsApp policy: "You will not use (or assist others in using) our Services in ways that: (f) involve any non-personal use of our Services unless otherwise authorized by WhatsApp.
The Solution: Gossip Depot is created specifically to manage sensitive and work-related communications.
WhatsApp, isn’t a native business communications platform
so it does not support enterprise file sharing for businesses.
The Solution: A messenger that does. Gossip Depot enables business to share several types of data, media, files, and more.
WhatsApp is not compliant with privacy regulation like GDPR
this leaves company’s information exposed to hackers and viewed by any employee without the business or supervisor consent.
The Myth: No End-to End, or privacy
despite What’sApp original end-to-end claim, after Facebook purchased WhatsApp this claim became false, or severely limited at best. There are mounting questions and even congressional concern about Facebook circumventing encryption on WhatsApp via 'wiretapping', such as Facebook using backups to decrypt business data:
The Solution: Gossip Depot offers complete End-to-End Encryption for large businesses and those handling sensitive data.
Data ownership
The original WhatsApp stored users data on their phone or device in order to heighten security. Fast forward 7 years after Facebook acquisition, now Imagine trying to revoke an internet ex employees access to your business data, but you do not have the right to check their device. For example, an employee leaves for whatever reason, and the businesses group chats are all stored within their device, making it impossible for you to know what will become of all that data, or if your employee takes confidential information to their next employer- your competitor.
The Solution: Stop using malwareable apps that exists on employees device. Gossip Depot exists online to prevent just this problem.
Risk Mixing Work with Pleasure
Separating personal from business especially when WhatsApp does not have a way to prevent the exchange office information with their family, friends, peers and supervisors. And since WhatsApp encryption only works against employers, businesses never know what information is being passed through:
The Solution: Again, Gossip Depot the leader in information and knowledge sharing has control mechanisms and tools to ensure business communication doesn’t leave the business.
Limited Corporate Features: WhatsApp unsuccessful attempt to satisfy
businesses concerns created WhatsApp for Business, however businesses are finding that the platform offers limited admin controls, so you are unable to authorise a specific set of people to share, chat, and receive data. The Solution: Gossip Depot offers 60+ features and unlimited customizations.
No task management
WhatsApp doesn’t allow you to organize actionable to-dos needed to get the job done. The Solution: with 60+ features Task Management, Project Management and CRMs are available.
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