MeChat Universe
What Is A Story World?
Everything you need to run your business from your business plan
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
September 20, 2022, 2:42 pm
When users login to MeChat Universe they go to their Story Worlds page where they can create their first Story World for FREE. Additional Story Worlds are $45 per year which includes everything you need to create one Story World on your own, from scratch.
Each Story World is based on its roadmap, which includes 14 Course Levels to master and will guide users from idea to revenue .
While we provide users with business plan outlets for Roadmaps, the business plans themselves are designed by users.
By writing a business plan using our outline users will create one new Story World in MeChat Universe that based on their own ideas & ambitions.
Sponsorships/ advertisers are add on upgrades to promote your Story World to other users.
Each story world is its own entity in MeChat Universe. So let’s say you wanted a business plan for each:
- web developer
- Bollywood actor
- Corner store
You need to prove each business idea separately.
Each business plan will design a separate virtual world in MeChat Universe with its own:
- virtual space on the map
- virtual wallet
- processes
- roadmap
- CRMs
- people
- product
- Simulator
- Leaderboard Ranking
- Data
- Storage space
Click on a Story World to go to its business plan and design your Story World. Each business plan builds on the last level.
Every Story World in MeChat Universe is:
- DESIGNED by its Roadmap/Business plan
- MANAGED by its News Desk/Simulator
- BID ON by its location on the game board
- VISITED by users who discover the Story World news Desk and Storefront on MainStreet
MainStreet and the Game board are neutral locations. The 2 locations are not part of any Story World page. They are their own worlds managed by the system.
Choosing A Merchant Role
MeChat Unvierse is all about business and providing you with the best solutions to conduct yours.
We believe that with a successful business anyone can increase their income, make an impact, and create their version of a lavish lifestyle.
For those who are already successful, the next level is to take your book knowledge and street knowledge and coach other stakeholders to a winning business plan.
The goal of MeChat Universe is to increase entrepreneurship in emerging communities.
MeChat Universe classifies the student body as:
- stakeholders
- Tourists
- NPCs
- Entrepreneurs
- Coaches
All students with a completed Orientation. After Orientation, students become stakeholders of MeChat Universe as they begin their 14-level financial journey in MeChat Universe.
Guest NPCs
Users who use MeChat Universe without logging in are called Guest NPCs. NPCs generally access the school by scanning a QR Code and making a purchase.
NPCs does not have access to classes.
Tourists are users and NPCs that login to MeChat Universe on a temporary access (hourly, daily, monthly) to get access to SaaS solutions without committing to writing a business plan. Tourists typically only need to learn a certain class or will lease tools to improve parts of their business.
MeChat Universe is designed for all income levels who want to start a business, even with limited resources and without capital.
Students have 14 Financial Literacy courses and over 30 business coaching classes to start a business and become an entrepreneur to include becoming:
- Freelancers
- Influencers
- Community Vendors
- Investors
- Executives
- Educators
- Coaches
To start, users signup and write a business plan. The business plan will get certified by AI, expert Judges, and the student body.
Until Tourists and Entrepreneurs complete Orientation, they are not officially Coaches and therefore does not qualify for Coaching awards and experiences.
The Business Plan
The business plan template is our disqualification process to ensures we enroll only the top entrepreneurs and business coaches in the world.
Only after Tourists have a certified business idea can they access more of the school.
Similar to the Sims and Monopoly games, as you compete the business plan it will earn property value, rewards, and positions that you can CashOut if you graduate.
Your business plan is just one of thousands of business plans that members can explore in MeChat universe.
Each business plan contains classes, Financial Aid packages, and process and subsystems that other stakeholders can use to help their business become fully managed.
Additionally, your business plan is integrated with the online classes to help you increase your business acumen, property value, and net worth.
Depending on your tuition your business plan will have access to one or the more built-in classes:
- HOMEROOM: Business Courses
- CHECKLIST: Business Plan Template
- COMMUNITY: Community Workspace
- NEWS: Global Newsstand
- MainStreet
- Built-In Operations Department
- and hundreds more
A Day In The Life Of MeChat Universe
MeChat Universe is a private business school designed after a pre-2008-theme where each entrepreneur gets to role-play as a Merchant during the school year.
MeChat Universe is a massive open world where you, as an entrepreneur, get to become a Merchant seeking to build your own empire. Through your journey in MeChat Universe, Merchants are able to buy and sell land deeds, choose between 20 merchant characters, and actually provide those character services directly to other entrepreneurs in the community to make money.
MeChat Universe offers entrepreneurs online classes to become which every Merchant role they choose centered around having to write a business plan with multiple choice and fill-in the blank checklists, online stores, and a business plan curriculum.
Combined with over 14 levels of financial literacy courses entrepreneurs receive the best opportunities to increase their net worth, train, and learn how a business fits into their overall Game of Life. (Hint: A business helps you financially get ahead, a business plan is the roadmap!)
By writing a business plan in MeChat Universe you will learn strategies to manage your finances and run your entire business in one place.
To reach the next financial level in your private education, entrepreneurs must complete all the online classes provided with their tuition by answering the checklist items. The more financially educated entrepreneurs become the more access, strategies, and features they will unlock for their business plan.
As you take advantage of the opportunities that unlock, you will begin to create the life that you designed in your business plan.
Does MeChat Universe Have A School Year?
Like all universities, MeChat Universe provides education and major curriculum updates on an annual basis. MeChat Universe academic year begins July 3, with Homecoming Week in September, and the school year concluding with a December 4 graduation.
Your experience must be verified through your business plan since students are coaches are guided by other students who have graduated and demonstrated their experience as experts.
As long as entrepreneurs have successfully completed the course requirements by the deadlines they will graduate within that school year. If students miss graduation, they have to renew the course again the following year.
Once complete, students will graduate at the highest financial-level completed in that business season.
When entrepreneurs graduate, MeChat Universe provides graduates with an official world ranking, certificate, & business valuation that entrepreneurs can leverage to get funding, resources, and investments.
During the school year, entrepreneurs also get access to additional school resources including Business coaching, business classes, Small Business Fairs, business plan competitions, side quests, and financial assistance.
There is also:
- Masters Program
- Business Plan Competition
Users may only receive a Masters from our business seminary school after completing all 14 Grade Levels, more on business seminary school later.
Even though the start of the academic year isn't until July, students can start a business anytime of the year by signing up.
Starting a business in the off-season can give you more time to identify any problems that could prevent you from successfully graduating.
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