MeChat Universe
TUTORIAL: Start Selling with MeChat FinTech Messenger For Entrepreneurs
How to Use MeChat Back Office Automation for Running a Business with little or no experience
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
June 29, 2021, 10:55 pm
Understanding MeChat
According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) 70% of all startups and small business fail by year 10 due to known and preventable factors such as running out of money, inexperience in running a business, and poor business planning and marketing.
MeChat is the world’s first FinTech Messenger software designed to give freelancers, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and startups the tools to grow their business full time, while mitigating the most known risks small businesses face within their first decade.
MeChat is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and their businesses reach critical mass and scale by helping entrepreneurs focus on their craft
To meet customer demand, MeChat provides businesses with a scannable QR Code that connects them to their business’ People, Products, Processes, Checklists, Business Automation, Buisness Intelligence, and Buisness Execution systems all in one place.
The MeChat QR Codes help you streamline and automate your business so that you can think less, make faster decisions.
Beginning June 2021, Businesses can connect their QR Codes to Stripe to start receiving payments online or in person.
MeChat is web-based so there is nothing to download. For quicker access save MeChat as the home page of your Safari or Chrome browser and have instant access to your business, anytime and anywhere.
As you begin to prioritize the different areas of your business you will discover additional processes within your operation that you will want to automate. When ready, view MeChat‘s Product Catalog on and choose between 36 customizable software systems and 8 categories that gives you the ability to redesign your business according to your unique requirements.
Login to MeChat now to Think, Plan, and Execute the steps needed to take your business to the Moon. 🌝 🚀
How to Setup Your Business On MeChat
In this section, we will setup a business on MeChat so that you can begin selling your products online or in person using your Products Store and QR Code, immediately after setup.
To get started, register your business name on
After signing up and verifying your email you will login to either Main Street (blue background) or your business (green background). To navigate between the two, simply:
- Click the Open HQ link on Main Street.
- Scroll down to find your Projects and Businesses.
- Then select the Project or Business that you want to open and manage.
In addition, you can create sub departments, divisions, among other groupings by adding Breakouts within your Business. Breakouts (purple background) are used to organize and structure the business more efficiently.
When you are ready to setup your businesses each process will be different based on what the owner chooses to prioritize, however, for this tutorial we recommend the following process:
- Scan an existing QR Code to access or manually access MeChat, by opening an internet browser and typing Ensure you press enter.
- If you scan a QR Code, you may have to click View Business on the Products Modal in order to signup or login.
- Assuming you are now logged in and are inside your Business (green background), you should see your Products Store requesting that you connect your business with Stripe so that your business can start accepting payments. You will also need to connect to Stripe in order to add products and access your Inventory Management System.
To Connect to Stripe
To connect to Stripe:
- Click the "View Business" button on the Products Modal.
- Then the “Open Back Office” button in your Buisness Lobby.
- Open the Admin tab
- Click the QR Code
- Finally, press Connect with Stripe
MeChat partners with Stripe to ensure all MeChat transactions are secure and processed timely. By connecting your businesses to Stripe, MeChat users get additional benefits such as the ability to sell products in their Products Store via their QR Code. Users also get instant payment processing, and the ability to receive payments, give refunds, and handle disputes with customers and vendors.
(As a side note many vendors screenshot, print, and place their QR code everywhere they want customers to place orders.)
After connecting to Stripe you will either come to a screen that says, successful or not successful. If unsuccessful, there may be a delay in processing so please try again until your business successfully connects. It may takes several tries for your business to get verified, synced, and connected to Stripe successfully, but once connected you should not have to connect your business again.
For entrepreneurs who hosts more than one project or business on MeChat, you will have to connect each project or business separately. Breakouts, on the other hand, are automatically connected through each business.
After you have successfully connected to Stripe. Return to your Business Lobby to confirm that your Products Store is unlocked.
If your Products Store is not open, manually open your Products Store by:
- Clicking the “Open Back Office” button.
- Scroll down to your 3Ps (Process, People, Products).
- Then click the “Products” button.
Adding New Products To Your Products Store
After the business is connected to Stripe the owner will see the Checkout System icon in the top right corner and a “+” sign in the top left corner of the Products Store. Products added using this form will be presented to visitors upon visiting your business. For customer convenience and to increase conversion, customers can check-out without leaving your business. Click the “+” button to add your Products.
On the form, businesses have the option to add existing products. If you have existing products then you will see the option to add the item to an existing category. To create a new category for your item/product, simply input a New Category Name and continue to the next section: Product Details.
In the Product Details section, add the product title, price, and the number of items that you have in stock. The stock number should indicate how many items are available to sell BEFORE you need to restock.
Next, give your product a short description to display on your Products Store, and a long description that will display on the item's single page. The long description can be used to add things such as nutritional values, discount information, or to give more information about the product.
MeChat Product Stores also allows users to add an optional product image as well.
After you have reviewed all the information on the product's form, click publish, and refresh the page to see the newly added items available for immediate purchase listed in your Products Store.
To start selling from your Products Store:
- Share the product's URL link through Text Message
- Share your business page URL on Social Media
- Have customers scan your QR Code
How to Make Changes To Your Products Store Using Your Inventory Management System
If you make a mistake when adding products to your Products Store, no worries. Simply,
- Click the "View Business" button on the Products Modal
- Click the “Open Back Office” button in your Buisness Lobby
- Scroll down to your 3Ps (People, Products, Process).
- Click the Process button.
- Next, scroll down and select Inventory Management System.
The Inventory Management System gives entrepreneurs the ability to see a list of every product listed in the Product Store. Click the edit icon to edit any product and remember to refresh the page to see any changes after adjusting.
Additionally, the Inventory Management System will calculate the stock as items are purchased.
Refunds, Invoicing, and Orders
Any time entrepreneurs make a sale the invoice will automatically be generated and is available to the customer and the business under the Orders tab.
The Orders Tab is popular with restaurants and Food Trucks as customers can quickly scan the QR Code, preorder their food, and checkout without the congestion and frustration of waiting to order.
The orders can be queued to display the newest orders first or last and businesses can notify customers by SMS, e-mail, or in person as orders are ready for pickup, or delivery.
View MeChat Key Features
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