Innovation Team
Introducing, MeChat Innovation Team
The Team Powering A New Forward-Thinking Way To Improve Business
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
August 17, 2021, 10:54 pm
Introducing, MeChat,
“The New Forward-Thinking Way To Improve Business”
Now Introducing, The MeChat Innovation Team,
“The Team Powering A New Forward-Thinking Way To Improve Business”
What is MeChat
MeChat is a digital Business Center that gives entrepreneurs their own Business Ready-Virtual Offices to successfully brand, promote, and build their businesses, using only their cellphone.
As businesses grow they can add on additional business checklists, systems, and tools to take their business to the next level.
Additionally, businesses can apply to MeChat Innovation Team to receive a sustainable Business Strategy, automated website, and custom business diagnostics to get their business growing again.
MeChat Innovation Team:
- Antonio James (The Architect)
- Angelo Byrd (The Engineer)
- Ashley Harris (The Researcher)
- Jason Brown (The Innovator)
- Raza Hussain (The Developer)
Casting Call: Failing Businesses
Have you every watched Marcus Lemonis, from the hit show, “The Profit”, and wished there were more people just like him that could provide you with the answers to keep your business moving forward? Well, MeChat is designed to do just that. We provide answers through sustainable business strategies that help you generate revenue, become profitable, and grow with streamlined efficiency.
Each member of our Innovation Team is passionate, dedicated, and skilled in starting, building, and growing multi-million-dollar companies at every stage and now we are coming together at a round table to help businesses just like yours achieve the objectives and ambitions that you have set for your company.
If you need advice to save your failing business, a second opinion on strategy, or growth technique to get your business unstuck then apply now.
***Note: You have an option to have your journey archived, through our up-coming Business-reality show, or kept private without cameras rolling.
You will have the option to make this selection on the application process.
MeChat Business Center Commercial:
MeChat can take any business from 0 to revenue within 60-90 days. Businesses login to MeChat to obtain self-service automation tools for their business or to hire MeChat’s Innovation Team to aide their existing business in creating a growth strategy that achieves the objectives and requirements we set for your company via a 30, 60, or 90-day plan.
No goal, large or small, is a goal we cannot manage together (new revenue, breakeven, IPO, legacy heir transfers). For transparency, once a business is selected by our Innovation Team the following Diagnostic process will occur:
- Stage 1: Discover the Problem: The first step towards getting a business where you want it to be is to take a deep dive into your business's current state of affairs to uncover shortfalls, strengths, and weaknesses. We believe every situation can be remedied, but first it's important to understand how and why each challenge exists and perform a proper needs-analysis to uncover why your business is not in the space that you want it to be in today.
- Step 2: Identify Long-Term Goals and Opportunities: Our innovation team will diagnose the growth opportunities and set achievable long-term goals.
- Step 3: Mitagate the Gap: Technology can evolve faster than most businesses can adapt; therefore, MeChat provides the business with enterprise-level software to mitigate any gap that exists between the skills of a team member and the skills required for their position. Each tailor-made automation software will focus on the businesses achieving short-term goals and benchmarks.
- Step 4: Final Delivery: MeChat will deliver a business strategy that is sustainable.
If your business is not growing, then your business is dying. We at MeChat aide businesses like yours avoid death by providing the assistance your business needs to live and thrive.
If you want answers to your problems, Join MeChat. The New Forward-Thinking Way to Improve Business.
***Note: In order to be a success we have to achieve the benchmarks we put in place.
Are there any Guarantees?
We are extremely proud of our track record, in fact, we will refund your investment with MeChat if we do not achieve our objectives.
How to Apply
- Step 1: Go to and upload a 3 minute video submission and application about who you are, the product that you’ve innovated, and what clients you serve, among your personal message.
- Step 2: The Innovation Team (12 people max) will screen all videos and select candidates that meets our guidelines, timeframes, and other criteria.
- Step 3: From the selection, we review the businesses to create an initial scope, diagnose your biggest business challenges, assign an enterprise value, and create negotiable Terms based on need. (For example, we may invest $1 million for 33%, $0 for 33%, or $1 million for 0 percent. It’s all case by case.)
- Step 4: The selected businesses approves our Value Proposition and a member, or 2, from our innovation team will do an onsite visit, or face-to-face, for final adjustments, integrity, and to complete the partnership agreement.
- Step 5: Our Innovation Team will help you achieve the revenue and growth objectives that you are trying to achieve.
- In your videos we urge you to use the words we and not I. Even a solo-bandit needs a team eventually, speak to your future ideal client.
- We have a heart for Generational Businesses.
4 Types of Businesses (Risk Profiles) that MeChat Serves
Aspiring Entrepreneurs
- To qualify as an Aspiring Entrepreneur: 0-revenue ($1)
- Diagnostics to Delivery of Sustainable Business Strategy: 60 to 90 days
- Unique Objectives Included: Investment group- startup book camp
New Businesses
- To qualify as a New Business: $1-$30k per month)
- Diagnostics to Delivery of Sustainable Business Strategy: 60 to 90 days
- Unique Objectives Included: TBD
Failing Businesses
- To qualify as a Failing Business: ($0+)
- Diagnostics to Delivery of Sustainable Business Strategy: 60 to 90 days)
- Unique Objectives Included: TBD
Small business
- To qualify as a Small Business: $30k per month to $30 million per year
- Diagnostics to Delivery of Sustainable Business Strategy: = 90 days+)
- Unique Objectives Included: TBD
Legacy Businesses
- To qualify as a Legacy Business: (brands ensuring your business lasts for generations to come
- To qualify as a Small Business: $30M+ per year
- Diagnostics to Delivery of Sustainable Business Strategy: 90 days+
- Unique Objectives Included: For brands ensuring their business lasts for generations to come
Mitigation Services
- Software development: CRM, Database Management, Website (MeChat News Desks replace websites, excel spreadsheets, among others)
- Intelligence: BI, Metrics, Automation
- Consulting: AI, Statistics, Analytics, Trusted Advisors
3rd-Party Partners MeChat Use When Diagnosing a Business
- Local Business Appraisers: to find the Business Value (Enterprise Value-Debt=Business Debt)
- Marcus Lemonis (The Profit): Applicable for businesses with revenue $30M+
Need more ways to get your business unstuck?
On-Call Businesses Consulting
- $10 per SMS question (Answered by Interns)
- $1,000 per SMS question (Answered by Managers)
- $100,000 per SMS question (Answered by Executives)
- $1M per SMS question (Answered by Innovation Team)
Other MeChat Services:
Want more MeChat, signup on and get access to more business tools:
- Hire Innovation, Empowerment, and Growth Speakers
- Get Business Checklists
- Get QR Codes and Online Stores
- Apply for Investments and Startup Bootcamps
- Apply for Grants and Scholarships
- Apply for 1-1 Business Coaching
- Purchase a Diagnostic without Applying: Price - $35K+ per $10M in annual revenue.
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