MeChat Universe
What’s the Difference Between E-Business and E-Commerce
What is a MeChat e-Business and why do you need one?
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
September 8, 2021, 9:14 pm
Do you wish there was an easier way to run a business?
Try MeChat!, LLC is a revolutionary cloud-based, SaaS platform, founded in Atlanta 2018. Users login to MeChat to lease customize digital spaces called an e-business, which gives you the ability to run almost any brick and mortar business using the internet.
MeChat does not replace a brick and mortar, but incorporates online technologies into your business model. Below are the Key Benefits of MeChat e-Businesses:
While e-Commerce includes all business transactions related to money, e-Business includes monetary and business activities that support the growth of the business, to include connecting you with all your parties.
e-Business stands for electronic-business and provides a host of FinTech for businesses accessible via a single QR Code to accept credit cards and other e-Commerce activities, receive business startup software to get your business organized, and save your business $$$ on payment processing fees.
In today’s modern world, businesses need more than an online presence. Businesses require an e-Business that lets you conduct all types of business activities through internet such as servicing customers and communicating with employees.
By connecting your customers, distributors, employees, vendors, and suppliers in one place you can get a 360 visual snapshot over your entire organization structure with the data and analytics to help you identify problems, excessive costs, and make quicker decisions on your business, faster.
To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each Digital Property should be:
- Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
- Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
- Achievable (agreed, attainable).
- Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
- Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).
e-Mail Marketing
With MeChat's e-businesses you can keep your brand relevant by sending messages, publishing content, or streaming subscription content directly to a consumer’s device to advertise your products in a real-time.
With social, marketing, and sales statistics and other metrics, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and track their business growth
e-Commerce includes transactions related to money, but e-business includes monetary as well as the support activities that facilitate growth of the business.
With MeChat e-businesses founders can reduce the time spent working by running their business using the internet. e-Business are dynamic so you can enhance any business that run offline by connecting all your processes, websites, RFPs, email marketing strategies, databases, people customer relationship management, resource planning, sales and marketing departments all in one place.
e-Businesses covers internal as well as external processes so that you can take your business everywhere you go. MeChat agile e-businesses can remotely facilitate the sale of products and services to generates sales both online and offline, distribute information, and improve engagement and productivity .
By offering products or services online, at the same time in a physical store, customers get an enhanced shopping experience as they get to window shop, place an order online, expedite customer service, and receive a notification when their order is ready. They also have the options to have it delivered or pick it up at the store, or on location.
In Conclusion
To help businesses customize their spaces, MeChat provides “out of the box” business software for every component of the business to include: business consultancy, and business development services to businesses needing professional help to keep their businesses informed, engaged, and achieving critical missions with high efficiency and improved productivity.
MeChat is designed to increase sales performance and overall workforce productivity for both products and service-based organizations by automating all aspects of their daily operations.
Once leaders setup and grow their spaces, owners can sell it for more value than they put in it to other members and investors. As MeChat continues to grow they digital property owners will even be able to use their virtual spaces for collateral to buy a house, yacht, or book a trip to the moon.
Collectively, all users of MeChat form a modern economy runs on QR Codes and powered by MainStreet, U.S.A businesses, leaders, and aspiring entrepreneurs. To help you get started, login to day and your e-businesses will include the necessary back office software, analytics, business plans, and community so you can that can generate .
By joining the digital age your business will begin providing the convenience, flexibility, and technology required to reach more customers, manage multiple roles and responsibilities without burnout, and market your business, all in one place.
With a single e-business, you have the best of both worlds: 1) an e-Commerce Store with a built-in payment processor to sell products in person and online and 2) a robust business support system with world class software.
MeChat reduces the time that you spend working and researching what to do next. Plus MeChat is fast, easy, mobile, and completely customizable for your needs.
So, Why Haven’t You Joined MeChat Yet?
E-Business Vs E-Commerce Key Differences
- E-commerce is a subset of e-business.
- E-commerce only pertains to buying products and services via the internet while e-business refers to a brick and mortar performing its business activities digitally.
- E-commerce is client-facing, while e-businesses includes both external and internal processes and a variety of platforms such as the internet, extranet, intranet for clients.
- E-commerce only requires a website; however, an e-business have built-in websites, data collection, analytics, and enterprise software such as: resource management systems, customer relationship management, and other tools required for the e-business to operates.
- MeChat e-businesses has access to a global shopping mall called, "MainStreet, U.S.A, a supportive business community, membership perks, and self-employed benefits.
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