MeChat Universe
So, Why Haven't You Joined MeChat's Modern Economy Yet
A $5 million dollar QR Code tournament, 100,000 e-spaces leased, and 10 million spectators - the new modern MeChat Universe.
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
September 14, 2021, 7:42 pm
Executive Summary
MeChat Universe is a modern economy that uses QR codes to connect people to virtual spaces. To date, MeChat Universe needs $12 million in seed money to successfully launch on time.
Therefore, starting September 1, 2020, MeChat e-Spaces will be available for preorder to:
- Strategic partners who offer unique experiences and world class products, adventures, or concierge services.
- Businesses needing flexible work environments.
- Virtual office renters who want to upgrade to Virtual Workspaces.
MeChat’s goal is to launch by July 3, 2022 with 100,000 e-Spaces preordered.
Businesses that preorder an e-Space will receive early access, considerable discounts, and up to 12 months lease free.
16 Products, Services, and Benefits that Come with Your Preorder:
- E-Space: A guaranteed virtual environment with built-in software, term of conditions, benefits and locked in rate for 12 months. (from the date that we launch)
- Revenue: MeChat lets you keep up to 98% Revenue that you generate from your e-spaces
- QR Codes: Provides quick access to your virtual space.
- Payment Process: No merchant account needed. Accept payments via credits cards online or in person.
- Virtual News Desks: Keep your who team, customers, and shareholders informed and engaged with your brand.
- Improved Efficiency: Use MeChat to streamline your business.
- Business Intelligence: Analytics, Metrics, and Statistics to help you manage KPIs.
- New Sources of Revenue: Sublease or sell your virtual property
- Passive Income: Virtual environments can be subleased, or can charge any audience a subscription fee to access your content.
- Prestige: As we continue to build the MeChat brand, the prestige of your virtual properties by giving your customers access to the benefits that you have access to by being your Plus 1 invited guest.
- A Virtual Storefront can be featured on MainStreet, or connect to your QR Code to quickly accept credit cards for products and services.
- Lower Payment processing Fees: Through partnerships, MeChat can lower your payment processing fees for accepting credit cards to almost 1% lower than what you pay now.
- Awards and Recognition: At the end of the year, MeChat presents awards gives to virtual properties with outstanding contribution, metrics, and Analytics
- Early Access: Preordered property owners and lease holders will get at least 90 days early access to begin increasing the value of their e-Spaces.
- Community: schmooze with way to business tycoons, renowned leaders, and celebrities looking products and services from vendors or creating real connections with business tycoons, celebrities
- Chollaborative Culture: A defined business culture based on the complementarity of building wealth and diversified portfolios.
How do Virtual Properties Increase in Value?
E-Spaces increase in value when:
- New badges are obtain.
- MeChat partners with new partners.
- E-Spaces win awards for optimizing their virtual environments for sustainable?
- Virtual environments upgrade to higher badge levels
- Virtual environments with completed checklists.
How to Begin Generating Revenue and Passive Income on MeChat?
- Step 1. Create a QR Code for free on
- Step 2. Login and connect the QR Code to a virtual space.
- Step 3. Increase the value of your e-space by building at least one sustainable business on the land.
- Step 4. List your virtual property for sale, lease, or rent in MeChat's e-Properties Market.
E-Spaces value increases the more bespoke it is with:
- curated experiences (Seminars, Round Table discussions, Galas, Tournaments, Retreats, Adventures)
- access to politicians, business tycoons, celebrities and influencers
- generating revenue efficiently and streamlined
- CRM, Marketing, Sales, and Social Marketing software
- creating a tailored community serving clients in that space
Additionally, making your e-spaces valuable will get you nominated for cash, prizes, awards and badges. For example, achieving the Entrepreneur Badge gives you the ability to start leasing your virtual space out to other users.
When users buy, rent, or lease a virtual property on MeChat, they acquire an e-Space with real ownership into an asset that contributes:
- Towards sustainability
- The next status or economic level
- Generate profits
- Generate expendable income from passive income
So, Why Haven’t You Joined MeChat Yet?
Coming Soon, e-Space Mergers.
How to Choose a Virtual Space?
Unlike Rich Uncle Pennybags in the game of Monopoly, MeChat’s jobs include building momentum and hype via modern property ownership using technology.
While users access the modern economy either online or by using QR Codes, your experience in the Universe is largely based on each e-Space's:
- Software Customizations Included
- Access Level: Included Experiences, gifts, and concierge services that are included with achieving that properties badge
- Max Revenue: How much revenue the virtual space can generate
- The “Term”: The Duration that you want to own, rent or lease the virtual space for
Can Members Achieve a Badge Level Without Paying for The Subscription?
Each users‘ virtual environment is categorized by Levels. Each Level includes a series of business checklists that if achieved will unlock the next highest Level within its class.
Users that do not want to spend the time achieving the badge, but would like access to the products, services, and benefits that come with that level of virtual ownership can subscribe by preordering to an e-Space according the level they need.
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