MeChat Universe
Are You Living A Life Worth Living
Play MeChat Universe, The Icon Game
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
January 6, 2022, 10:55 am
Do you dream of being very successful and admired? Are you famous or a local celebrity?
Are you smart enough with grand ideas and the innovation to lead a community or a business?
“How About A World?”
Introducing, MeChat Universe, the ultimate all-in-one online financial literacy game where players get up to one year to develop a strategy that will take their life to the next level.
MeChat Universe iconic world building game with an annual tournament is perfect for anyone who is striving for financial success and wants to start receiving more out of life now.
The game is simple:
Once a year MeChat Universe will host a global world building tournament where players bid for one of the locations located on the MeChat Universe Map.
The location will include financial literacy courses, business software, analytics, and a location bank to help players prepare for the Tournament.
If your world building strategy succeeds, you will get nominated to win $250,000 and earn your share of extra cash, rewards, and iconic badges along the way.
Plus players of winning worlds will digitally graduate and complete the course, while others enter the Hall of Fame of Icons.
Through the year, players climb up the iconic leaderboard and Collect Rent from other players who need your tools and services to build out their location and complete their world.
Use your location’s analytics and KPIs to prove your iconic abilities against other world builders then reach Level 14 to become the most iconic in the Universe.
But be careful to monitor your analytics and KPIs or you will allow Freeloaders to infiltrate your location and crash your world!
To start playing MeChat Universe, simply push Start Game.
From there you will either Signup or Login to MainStreet where every icon who has something to offer will advertise their services and needs.
From MainStreet you can access the Universe Map and enter any world you discover or create a new world by choosing a location on the Map.
Once all locations on the Universe Map is gone the game will be closed for the season and no new players can play in this years tournament.
Reserve your location now to guarantee play in this years tournament and receive the financial literacy courses to guide you in creating your own iconic success story.
Play MeChat Universe now and get to live an iconic life for a year, while leading a new world to lasting prosperity!
In MeChat Universe it’s fun to play rich and famous, but as an icon you want to make history.
Start Now and make a:
- name
- businesses
- legacy
- emergency fund
- passion project
- a complete life for yourself and others who join your MeChat world.
Remember, over 1 million bids are expected for this years tournament, but only a few thousand locations are available for our first game, so order your location now to guarantee play and early discounted rates.
Good Luck Leveling Up in MeChat Universe
The financial literacy game where anyone can become an icon and live a life worth living.
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