MeChat Universe
MeChat Royalties and Passive Income
Invest in a Payment Processor that pays You!
Article By Antonio James, MIQ
September 2, 2021, 3:01 pm
MeChat Universe is Simply Complex and sometimes that can direct resources from other aspects of the business. Fortunately, as MeChat continues to be developed its software can alert MeChat and any e-business owner of gaps within their operation.
However, after e-businesses have been equipped with built-in CRMs, messengers, online stores, peer-owned social networks, access to a global shopping mall, and QR Codes, now MeChat's Innovation Team (MIQ) wants to redirect MeChat's focus on taking care of its initial and core users, who are now members, and their communities.
The origins of MeChat begin as Financial Technology (FinTech) to give every business owner a way to sell their products and services. Now, MeChat is focusing directly on becoming a payment processor, while still providing startups with several payment options to grow their businesses. Through MeChat's evolution from a FinTech, to a FinTech Messenger, to a FinTech Universe, users who supported us along the way, did so because they needed a payment processor and because they wanted to be part of the world’s first cloud-based, modern economy specifically for commerce.
After years of research, development, and testing, MeChat Universe is ready to facilitate commerce thanks to the many users, investors, and supporters who supported and stress-tested the web-based software. Thanks to you MeChat is the modern economy for commerce; a digital universe where any aspiring entrepreneur can start any business, grow their audience, sell their items, save their businesses from bankrupt, and streamline their business for greater work/life balance.
To say thanks to everyone who supported, volunteered, or invested and to acknowledge future supporters of MeChat as a modern economy, MeChat will begin paying royalties to e-business owners with e-business who have opted-in receiving Family Royalties.
Starting July 3, 2022, when MeChat officially launches, all e-business owners will have the opportunity to opt their e-business into “Family Royalties”. With Family Royalties enabled e-businesses will receive 2 types of royalties for each unique customer, talent pool, or contributor that joins our modern economy. This means for each of your qualifying users MeChat will pay you royalties based on:
Per quarter:
- 3-yr Referral Royalty: For 3 years e-businesses will receive a quarterly royalty equal to 3% of all qualified e-businesses leased by your lease-paying qualifying users.
- MeChat Christmas Bonus: Starting December 2022, all participating, qualifying e-business who opt in to the Christmas bonus can contribute 8% additional (increasing the Service Fee from 8% to 16%) from all transactions that occur through their e-business. 2% goes toward the R&D, and 6% will go towards the annual MeChat Universal Christmas Celebration where MeChat, as a Universe, donates gifts, feed the homeless, and on December 25th, every e-business will receive its share of the annual Christmas Bonus. To help business contribute this fee, e-business can select to increase their customer Service Fees to 8%.
MeChat Key Features include:
- QR Codes
- Stripe Integration (Square, Clover, PayPal coming soon)
- Your Own Social Network
What is a Modern economy
The government calls it taxes, restaurants call it gratuity, SaaS call it Service Fees, no matter the name of these “Extra Fees” the questions that every customer should ask is, “What happens to this “Extra” money that you always have to pay?” Because there are always “Extras” we pay regardless of the type of transaction?
Well, within MeChat’s Modern Economy over 30% of our operating revenue collected from these “Extras” return directly to benefit members, their businesses, and promoting member's brand within their local communities.
For comparison, ask your favorite brand how much of their operating revenue is dedicated towards giving back to you and your communities?! The ask yourself, "So, Why haven't I joined MeChat yet?
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